i started having contractions at 6 am on friday the 24th. they weren't too bad. pretty mild. mild enough that i napped during the day. the only person that knew i was in pain was my beau and i sent him to work. I called my doctor at about 8pm and he said to wait at home till i couldn't take the pain. ok... so i waited till midnight.
when i got the hospital the intern was "impressed"(her words not mine) i was already 6 inches dialated... woohoo... my first nightmare was averted. you know getting sent home cuz of a false alarm. i get a room and a nurse. i greedily say yes to the pain killers. and then... i nap till about 6am. my doctor comes in and says i was doing great. he tells me that it's going pretty fast for my first child... then he tells me it's time to start pushing. 59 minutes later my little angel was born. She was 6lbs 14ozs and 19inches long.
as they are cleaning her up i'm distracted by my doctor trying to deliver the placenta. i look down at him.. everything ok down there? yes he says (they already think i'm crazy so he's not surprised at my comments). you did great he said. i look at my beau and say.. she's cute.. we reproduce well. he gives me the thumbs up from where he's standing over our daughter... i'm not making this shit up.. he really gave me the thumbs up.
my parents get there 5 minutes after she is born with my step daughter. she's so excited that she starts crying... is this mine she asks?
i was super tired. i'm still super tired. i havn't slept well in more than a week. i'll blog during any down time i have... i'll blog about my first freak out.. my second freak out and the third one i seem to be working on. i'll talk about how i'm really concerned about going back to work in 5 weeks... it seems like too soon.
so it seems that this little blog has become less about me and more about my little swashbuckler... i have a gilligan to my skipper... wait they weren't pirates... and the minnow sucked... but u know what i mean. i have to start teaching her how to say arg...