dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Thursday, March 23, 2006

out of the fat loop

So since I've had my baby and even before she was born I seem to have lost touch with the outside world. Between amnios and freaking out cuz my daughter wasn't latching on to my boob correctly (that was my first freak out...cuz that effectively made me a bad mother) I have no time to even check my email let alone keep up with fads and stuff.

So what the fuck are trans fats and why is everyone going crazy about it? Every bag of junk food I manage to shove down my throat says 0 trans fats. So are trans fats the enemy now? And if so since the bag of doritos I'm working on now has 0 trans fat does that mean I can eat the whole thing? Can someone explain this to me cuz I can't look it up cuz I have to feed my baby... Again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no fea, you can't eat the whole bag of doritos. izzy is gonna OD on fake powdered cheese.

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

trans fat are fats that you're body can't burn no matter what. they get stuck to your artery walls or something. they are usually man made fats of natural fats combined or some sh!t like that.

but you still can't eat the whole bag.

10:34 AM  

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