dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Monday, January 30, 2006

Baby chower

At least that's how my mom says it.
this weekend my best friend mala, cousin dre@ and mom threw me a baby shower... at a reggaeton club my mom rented out for the afternoon. but there was no regaeton played that day. only corney ecuadorian music which everyone except mala enjoyed. my aunts couldn't stop raving about the music... considering that it was a baby shower i didn't mind.. although the dj was annoying when he called me the wife of my boyfriend's name cuz he forgot my name... that got a "anda dile a ese pendejo el nombre que se le olvido" from my boyfriend.

I got lots of presents and the food was great. i even got a song dedicated to my by my beau... which although it was badly sung (by the dj) it's the most romantic thing he's done for me in public. it was nice...

everyone did a good job and i had fun. i just hope labor is as good...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

thankless job

so i work for an elected official and one of my duties is helping people in our district on various issues but mostly housing issues. I understand that people are desperate and looking for apartments or whatever but it's not easy. i get tons of phone calls everyday asking for status about their case like i'm only working on one thing... they don't understand that keeping me on the phone is keeping me from making phone calls for them. they don't understand i can't work miracles. But sometimes we are able to get things done faster. and then these people miraculously fall off the face of the earth. one case i had i set up an appointment for her to see someone at HPD and her case was resolved... i asked her to call me and let me know how her case went... she never did. not even to say thanks or even it's about time. it almost makes me want to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone.

and then u get the people that remember all u did for them. that call u crying to say thank you. or that just call to wish u luck on the new year and ask about my growing belly. they don't come often... i can count them on one hand. it almost makes me forget that i want to tell the other fuckers to leave me alone... almost.