dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's in the water

so EVERYONE i know is pregnant.

I'm not even exaggerating. not that much anyways. my baby cousin is pregnant, one of her friends is also, my other cousin's girl is pregnant, my friend tete is preggers and so is my buddy's wife. and i'm sure more peeps will pop up with the great news any day now. and.. they are all due around the same time. there is something in the water. (which is why i'm sticking to bottled water thank you very much!!)

baby talk has been in the air a lot at my job too. my coworker and i were trying to explain to a young girl how wonderful being a woman is. and having babies came up. this young chica was wondering how it was. so we went into the whole thing. thank god i had a nice pretty story to tell about my labor as it was pretty smooth. and then my coworker who is 20 years older than me said "it's the most degrading thing a woman can go through"... huh?? i was dumbfounded... flabbergasted.. u name it i coudln't even speak.... i guess her experience wasn't too nice... something about a doctor with hands too big ... laying there with ur legs open or something... i wasn't listening cuz i was well you know shocked.

i tried recalling how i felt during the hours of my labor... i remember watching futurama on the hospital TV and my husband falling asleep... i remember how he didn't want to leave me when they stuck that needle in my back... i remember how the nurse was annoyed with me for not taking birthing classes... and how she said great so u don't know how to breathe... and i said "i'm breathing now aren't i??" i remember my husband encouraging me telling me she has jet black hair i can see her hair!!! and i remember them laying her on me all squishy and beautiful... i remember my hubby almost skipping with joy and telling him to move outta the way cuz i couldn't see what they were doing to her... barely noticing that my doc was tugging at me and patching me back together. it was the happiest moment of my life. nothing degrading about it

even if i shit would've shot outta my anus and hit the doctor in the face there would've been nothing degrading about it. i was glowing. i was happy and i was a mother. i didn't care that i looked like caca. i didn't care that nurses kept looking and probing. didn't care when people came into my room.. i breastfed, i bled and i cried, and i laughed. i felt like well... a woman.

so as tears welled up in my eyes maybe my coworker mistook them for me remembering my degradation. when in fact i was remembering the happiness... and i was biting my lip real hard so i didn't get up and punch her in the face.

so to all my friends who drank the water... get ready it's gonna be a good year. and to my drea. it freaks me out that my little baby is all grown up. i've never been this happy for you. u and selson will give my little pink monkey a home filled with laughter, faith, hope and love. and i'm gonna punch U in the face for making me cry again. PUNK!!! arg.