dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Monday, October 18, 2004

ur grandma's sick... guilt trip

it's no secret i want to go to el ecua. it's no secret that the sooner the better... and it's also no secret that i'm broke as hell... i mean i havn't even gotten my cell phone hoooked up again and that thing was my life.. god i miss my phone. but anyways... so i'm poor. so el ecua will have to wait.. but my grandmother is super sick. sick to the point that this weekend they thought that was it. she's holding on... and asking for me and my bro. she hasn't seen me in 5 years.. hasn't seen my brother in about 7... and she's asking to see us now... and i can't go. i feel horrible.. i want to go to see her... i thought the rest of our family understood that i was out of work for a while... and that i just started working again at a job that pays less.. and i despise... but that's not the case it seems...
-mi mami me conto que la abuelita se puso bien mal este fin de semana... ya esta mejor?
- si ya esta mejor pero parecia que se nos quedaba.. cuando vienes?
-ay prima no se.. no hay plata y con este nuevo trabajo no se.
- pero la abuelita los pide.
-yo tambien estoy desesperada en ir pero no tengo como
- bueno los pasajes han bajado. aprovecha ahora para venir... la abuelita esta bien mal.. te pide... ven ahora...

don't u think i want to go? if i could i would be there now. if i could i wouldn't even question it. just cuz i live here doesn't mean i can just get up and go whenever... making me feel guiltier than i already do isn't helping the situation.
i'm sad because i want to see my abuelita. i'm sad because i can't... and i'm sad because now i feel like the worst grandchild... not making the effort to go... que ingrata... that's what my grandma used to call me when i didn't call her regularly... (u know those phone calls to let her know.. ok ya le mande algo por delgado)... i love my abuelita. i miss her. but what if she's right? what if my cousin has a point in making me feel like shit?? what if i am just una ingrata? what if she spoiled me so much growing up that all i've learned to do is think about myself and not her? what if by the time i can go it's too late? what if?? *sarg... i'm sad


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