dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Monday, December 06, 2004

so i hear ur dating someone...

so it begins. my mother telling everyone i'm dating a boy... and putting her spin on the situation before i get a chance to show him off. u know telling everyone all his drawbacks before they have a chance to find out for themselves. to create an impression.. a bad one so that i find myself alone .. on the "wrong" side. she's done this before. she did this when i started dating midget boy. told everyone how he was an indio from the mountains of ecuador... serrano... not good enough for this city girl. so yes she's trying to do it again.

my aunt called me yesterday out of the blue. I used to be much closer to her when i lived down the block and still to this day when something big happens she's the first to call... to get the gossip. she means well. and i enjoy talking to her. but i found it a little strange that she called me yesterday cuz i had no gossip to share. so after about 15 minutes of how are yous and how's the family... she finally asks... so ur dating someone? i laugh. oh so that's why u called me?? no no i missed u.. sure. yes i am dating someone. he's ecua from el guayas and he's nice and things are going well. she asks for his last name.. as final proof that he's really a city boy... and i give it to her. and she says to me(and this is why i love her) well... at least he's ecua... u cant' stay single forever like ur mother wants u to.

why is it that she wants me to be single? why is it that every boy i bring home or start seeing she finds something wrong with them??? with this boy she hates the fact that he's divorcing and has a child(she asked me straight out and i wasn't going to lie even though it's none of her business). she says... ya ha tenido fracaso... que esperas de el?? hello... ur the same woman that tells ME ya has tenido fracaso... que mas quieres??? so having a failed relationship takes away all my right to try to be happy. to try to find something that will work. NO!!! i'm not going to become one of those bitter women that hate all men and will stay single living with 21 cats... unless i don't find anyone worth it... unless i'm meant to be alone.. but that doesn't mean i'm just gonna roll over and die... not even try.

on that note... update on the whole where is this shit going thing. we are in a "relationship" but because he has baby mama drama he wants us to be careful because he cares about me so much he doens't want me to get hurt. so we are in a "relationship"... does that mean i'm his "girl" and he's my "man"?? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? arg... lol


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