dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Monday, November 29, 2004

First fight and birthday bliss

well not a fight... more like an argument. all because we don't know our boundaries yet. all because we haven't talked about what "this" is. all is well again so i don't know if i should retell the story here... leave it in the past? well the bottom line is that we made each other feel like nothing... he even said to me.. porque te reclamo si no soy nadie para ti. i was crushed.. and him telling me that made me feel like nothing. then later in the car we talk it out. it was strange how i didn't get all crazy and dramatic. i remained calm. he remained calm and we actually had a discussion about it. no screaming or hurtful words like i'm used to. no tears. it was a small misunderstanding/disagreement. but in the past with bigfatpoopiehead for example... small disagreements always became relationship altering wars. it was nice to actually be able to tell someone my feelings... listening to theirs and then be able to move on without hating each other a little more. i was nervous after the small tiff.. i didn't know if things would change between us. and they didn't.

so it's settled.. we are "dating/seeing" each other. We both know that things will progress. we spend every weekend with each other. it was his birthday this friday and we all met up at el Guitarista's house for dinner. ElDeLaPlumita made a lasagna. I met his daughter. she's beautiful. i spent a lot of time with her while her daddy cooked. and i got to see him get all paternal later on. he's great with her. and she adores her father. we all slept over... his daughter on the air bed and the two of us cuddling on the sofa.

next day we met up again to go to the batcave to celebrate with another group of his friends. we danced.. drank and went home exhausted. that didn't stop us from celebrating some more when we got home. needless to say i'm still tired.. and my body hurts... on sunday we went to target together. it felt comfy just spending sunday with him roaming my fav. store(it's my fav because when bigfatpoopiehead was sick my only means of escape was going there for a couple of hours.. my sanity is owed to target)

he dropped me off at home later on that night. i ran in to my house and got the food i had brought him from thanksgiving dinner at my brother's (he had never had Filipino food so i brought him some yummies) and brought down his presents (a book he had mentioned he wanted to read and a mobster dvd... see i pay attention). we talked again last night and we mentioned he loved my gifts and loved the food. we've been texting each other all day... have i said how much i like this kid??


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