dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Friday, November 12, 2004

Nobody really wants to be single

So this friend of mine that seems to think paragraphs are important tells me this the other day while he's asking me about el de la plumita. he asks me how's my boyfriend... he's not my boyfriend.. and he says to me... c'mon. u know what u want... nobody really wants to be single... hmmm is there truth to that? have i just been saying "ooo single life" only cuz i don't want to face the fact that i'm alone? arg

I've spoken to feather boy (sounds a little kinky) everyday this week. yesterday i didn't call him to see if he would call me... u know to see if he wanted to talk to me... just to see if he liked me.. and he did. we spoke till 2 am. he told me about his psycho ex-wife. then he asked me if i was going to the batcave on friday... of course. i asked him are u going? si me invitas... bueno.. te invito. last week we met there.. this week he wants us to walk in together. i said what time do u want to meet? no... encontremonos antes para ir juntos. oh my god is this like a real date?? i havn't had a real date since midget boy. and then he says are u going to the batcave on saturday? i say probably.. and he says.. let's do something else so we don't do the same thing 2 days in a row... another date? :0) it feels nice having solid plans for the weekend with someone u really want to spend time with. so far with this kid i have found no excepts. and believe me i'm looking.

so i don't think i really want to be single. i mean all this meeting guys and "making friends" isn't it really just all looking for someone to spend time with and maybe it'll turn into something else?? otherwise... we would try to be alone, no?? i mean really alone. but that's not the case. maybe i just didn't want to be with those other guys... maybe i just didn't really like them and was forcing something and that's why i was so adverse to the relationship thing. it terrified me for a different reason than why i'm afraid now. i was afraid before cuz i didn' want to let my freedom go... wanted to date other people.. cuz i wasn't really feeling these guys. now i'm afraid that i'm gonna get hurt. cuz i really like this kid. yep... i like him. and i want something more than just friendship and casual sex with him... now if only i knew he felt the same way.


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