dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

baby mama drama

which is to be expected when u have a messy split and a messy divorce on the way... but this bitch is loca just plain loca...

she and my beaus's daughter.. we'll call her boo(as in boo from monster's inc) were supposed to go to orlando last weekend... but they cancelled the trip and since my beau has her on the weekends we decided to take her to the gala with us. he bought her a dress and dressed her at her house... he told boo's aunt that he would bring her back early the next day but the aunt said no.. there won't be anyone here so keep her till late...

my beau took the day off from work the next day and spent the whole day with me and boo... but of course.. nothing is perfect. his cell phone got cut off and apparently boo's mom was calling all day.

when we drop off the baby the woman comes downstairs and starts screaming on my beau(thank god i was in the car and didn't hear anything cuz the bitch would have been in the hospital). she had been looking for him... went to his apartment and called his family members... where was the baby.. cuz he wasn't home.. he tells her the baby was with him.. she screams where were u? none of ur business... the threats and curses start... "the baby has no business sleeping in the same bed u sleep with another woman on"... like i said bitch is crazy... then she says that he has to give up paternity rights.. not gonna happen.. she kept screaming and my beau walked away.

he was upset... he tells me... see i told u my life was complicated... but now ur stuck... i'm not stuck i told him.. i want to be here with u... crazy bitch or no crazy bitch.

i guess i'm just a drama loving freak...


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