dragas y pirates

random thoughts on the adventures de una ecua y su hijita living in a harsh mundo where they survive with the help of her alter ego the angry pirate... arg

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Location: Ozone Park, New York, United States

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

censorship... not on this ship

So it's only my second day with a blog and already I'm running into "problems". I mention to my crush that I have a blog. Couldn't resist the bandwagon calling me. And he says... Cool just don't write about me... Um excuse me? What?! See now I'm not the type of person to burn someone on a public forum.. Unless u piss me off royally... Well anyhow, I politely told him that I wasn't censoring my blog for him and if he don't like it.. then don't read it. So he's pissed... Funny thing is he hasn't even attempted to read the freakin blog! I mean I love this boy!! I don't want him pissed at me but there is no way I'm gonna change my entries so he feels secure. (love in that I have a crush on u way not love love.. ya know?.. god the english language is so inexact...)How do u veteran bloggers do it? Are some people just gonna be pissed off regardless?

Speaking of people that piss me off royally... my ex's family just can't seem to get bad talking me out of their systems. They still insist that the reason my relationship of 8 years fell apart was my lack of homemaking skills. They still insist that I didn't cook or clean for that big fat poopie head.. so what did he get fat on air? I cooked all day for him!! and regardless if I cooked or not it doesn't excuse the fact that he cheated on me with his first cousin. Doesn't change the fact que me falto el respeto. And now they are saying that I was also not as smart as him... yeah ok.. making this my official ARG of the day!!!!


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